Before you read on, please know that we have a chat feature on this page that connects you directly to me, the Chief Appraiser. Any questions you may have about the process of getting an appraisal for a divorce can be answered directly by clicking on the little blue chat link on the bottom right of this page and asking any questions you may have. I'll answer you back right away and we can begin chatting. It's completely private and completely free. You can also feel free to call me directly at 616-334-7681 and we can discuss your situation in complete privacy and confidence.
If you've ended up on this page, the odds are very good that you are currently going through a divorce or are contemplating the process. Let me first say, I'm sorry that things haven't worked out as initially planned. I've been through it myself and divorce can be a stressful and anxiety filled process. Having to think about splitting up assets, selling your home, or buying out the other party and living there alone can be a painful process.
I get it...
I've built my appraisal business on having a very good understanding of the emotions involved with real estate transactions in general, and appraisals for divorce situations specifically. Having been a licensed real estate agent, a lender, and an appraiser since 1994, I understand what goes into every aspect of a real estate transaction. Having been through a divorce myself, I also understand deeply how important and sensitive this particular aspect of a potential divorce is to all parties involved. This is your marital home, you may have started and raised a family in it, you've had good times and bad, and you've invested more than just your finances into it.
I understand...
When it comes to a divorce, there are generally two options regarding the house - it can be sold and the proceeds divided, or one party can "buy out" the other. In either case, one or both parties should order an appraisal of the residence. Divorce appraisals require a well supported, professional opinion of value and we always try to accomplish three things:
1. Develop an appraisal that will be defensible in court should it go that far.
2. Develop an appraisal that may be accepted by both parties as reasonable and accurate so that all parties can come to agreement faster and with less acrimony.
3. Give you the most accurate and up to date value of your home so you get every dollar you deserve if you have to sell it.
We are divorce appraisal experts who are familiar with the special circumstances that often accompany property valuation in divorce cases, and can handle your needs in a timely manner and in complete confidence. We also have experience giving expert witness testimony in many areas related to property value.
As an added value to our clients, we can provide a thorough video briefing of the key points of the appraisal to 'cut to the chase' during mediation or trial. Real Value Appraisal pioneered the use of screen capture technology to make our appraisals rock solid in court. We can also provide a video review of any other appraisals that may exist on the subject property if they've been provided to us by our client.
If you've ended up here because you're in the process of divorcing already, or simply doing research on what is involved with this part of the process, please give me a call. I'm always happy to spend some time answering any and all of your questions. It doesn't cost you anything and there's no obligation to use our company even if we do help in that way. In fact, we have a live chat feature here to help so just click on the little blue chat icon over on the right and we can start chatting right now to help answer your questions. Or, simply give me a call and we can begin the process of getting some of your questions answered about the appraisal process.
Call me at 616-334-7681 and I'll talk as long as we need to get all of your questions answered. I look forward to speaking with you.